JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStudy of strongly correlated electron systems in infinite dimensions
著者(日)平島 大
著者(英)Hirashima, Dai
著者所属(日)筑波大学 物理学系
著者所属(英)University of Tsukuba Institute of Physics
刊行物名Activity Report, 1995
Activity Report, 1995
抄録Strongly correlated electron systems such as the heavy electron systems and the high T(sub c) cuprates were studied by using the dynamical mean field theory in order to reduce the problem of an electron system on a lattice to that of an impurity embedded in an effective medium. The impurity problem was solved with the quantum Monte Carlo method, and the result in infinite dimensions was obtained. The nondegenerate symmetric periodic Anderson model was investigated to clarify the origin of the gap in the Kondo insulators, and the one-particle spectral function, the charge and the spin excitation spectral were calculated. By the study on the magnetic susceptibility of the model, it was found that the interband contribution was enhanced by the interaction. The two-band Hubbard model including both of the Mott-Hubbard case and the charge transfer case has been studied. This study clarified the character of the electronic states near the metal-insulator transition point driven by the electron correlation and the shift of the one-particle spectral weight as a function of the electron number or of the strength of the interaction. The dependence of the spectral function on the strength of the interaction was studied.
キーワードcorrelated electron system; infinite dimension; mean field theory; quantum Monte Carlo method; Kondo insulator; Anderson model; magnetic susceptibility; Hubbard model; metal insulator transition; impurity effect; cuprate; single particle spectral function; 相関電子系; 無限次元; 平均場理論; 量子モンテカルロ法; Kondo絶縁体; Anderson模型; 磁化率; Hubbard模型; 金属-絶縁体転移; 不純物効果; 銅酸塩; 1粒子スペクトル関数
資料種別Technical Report
