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タイトルAn atlas of Doppler emission-line tomography of cataclysmic variable stars
著者(英)Kaitchuck, Ronald H.; Honeycutt, R. Kent; White, J. C., II; Mansperger, Cathy S.; Marsh, T. R.; Schlegel, Eric M.; Horne, Keith
著者所属(英)NASA|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Doppler emission-line tomography is a technique similar to medical tomography. In this atlas the emission-line profiles of cataclysmic variable stars, seen at different orbital phases, are transformed into velocity space images. This transformation makes many of the complex line profile changes easier to interpret. The emission contributions of the disk and the s-wave are clearly separated in these images, and any emission from the stream and the secondary star can often be identified. In this atlas, Doppler tomograms of Hbeta, He I lambda 4471, and He II lambda 4686 emission lines of 18 cataclysmic variable stars are presented. The Doppler images provide insights into the individual systems and a better technique for measuring and radial velocity amplitude of the white dwarf.
