JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルComparison of the magnetic properties and Mossbauer analysis of glass from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Beloc, Haiti, with tektites
著者(英)Adel-Hadadi, M. A.; Thorpe, A. N.; Marbury, G. S.; May, L.; Izett, G. A.; Maurrasse, F. R.; Senftle, F. E.; Barkatt, A.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The magnetic properties of black Beloc glass have been measured. The Curie constant, the magnetization, and the magnetic susceptibility of the Beloc glass fall within the known ranges observed for tektites. However, the temperature-independent component of the magnetic susceptibility is slightly higher than that found for tektites. Moreover, it is not possible to match the experimental magnetic data for the Beloc glass with the calculated values using the previously reported Fe(3+)/Fe(2+) ratio of 0.7. The oxidation state of Fe was therefore redetermined by Mossbauer measurements, and the Fe(3+)/Fe(2+) ratio was found to be 0.024 plus or minus 0.015. Using the redetermined value of the ratio, the magnetic parameters were again calculated using formulas that are applicable to tektites, and good agreement was found between the calculated and experimental values. The experimental magnetic measurements and the redetermined Fe(3+)/Fe(2+) ratio of the Beloc glass specimens are essentially the same as those found for tektite glass.
