タイトル | A rapid radiative transfer model for reflection of solar radiation |
著者(英) | Xiang, X.; Smith, E. A.; Justus, C. G. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Headquarters |
発行日 | 1994-07-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | A rapid analytical radiative transfer model for reflection of solar radiation in plane-parallel atmospheres is developed based on the Sobolev approach and the delta function transformation technique. A distinct advantage of this model over alternative two-stream solutions is that in addition to yielding the irradiance components, which turn out to be mathematically equivalent to the delta-Eddington approximation, the radiance field can also be expanded in a mathematically consistent fashion. Tests with the model against a more precise multistream discrete ordinate model over a wide range of input parameters demonstrate that the new approximate method typically produces average radiance differences of less than 5%, with worst average differences of approximately 10%-15%. By the same token, the computational speed of the new model is some tens to thousands times faster than that of the more precise model when its stream resolution is set to generate precise calculations. |
レポートNO | 94A62418 |
権利 | Copyright |