タイトル | Digraph reliability model processing advances and applications |
著者(英) | Iverson, D. L.; Patterson-Hine, F. A. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Ames Research Center |
発行日 | 1993-01-01 1993 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | This paper describes a new algorithm, called SourceDoubls, which efficiently solves for singletons and doubletons of a digraph reliability model. Compared with previous methods, the SourceDoubls algorithm provides up to a two order of magnitude reduction in the amount of time required to solve large digraph models. This significant increase in model solution speed allows complex digraphs containing thousands of nodes to be used as knowledge bases for real time automated monitoring and diagnosis applications. Currently, an application to provide monitoring and diagnosis of the Space Station Freedom Data Management System is under development at NASA/Ames Research Center and NASA/Johnson Space Center. This paper contains an overview of this system and provides details of how it will use digraph models processed by the SourceDoubls algorithm to accomplish its task. |
レポートNO | 94A11541 AIAA PAPER 93-4677 |
権利 | Copyright |