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タイトル地球科学のための衛星観測法に関する考察 第2報:システム実験の必要性
その他のタイトルSatellite observation for global environmental sciences. 2nd report: Necessity of systematic field experiment
著者(日)佐々木 保徳; 小山 登; 宗山 敬
著者(英)Sasaki, Yasunori; Koyama, Noboru; Muneyama, Kei
著者所属(日)海洋科学技術センター 海洋観測研究部; 海洋科学技術センター 海洋観測研究部; マリンワーク・ジャパン
著者所属(英)Japan Marine Science and Technology Center Ocean Research Department; Japan Marine Science and Technology Center Ocean Research Department; Marine Work Japan Inc
Report of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center:Ocean Research
抄録The first report discussed that interdisciplinary mutual cooperation is essential for successful analysis of satellite remote sensing data among geoscientists, who are final users; sensor technologists, who deal with any problem in hardware and radiometric calibrations and corrections; information technologists, who extract useful information from a variety of observed data; and computer technologists, who help data to be processed in any form. The radiative transfer model plays the most important role in the above analytical software, since the radiation emitted by observation targets after interaction with them is the only media that will give information in any one of the visible, infrared or microwave regions. This report cited the development of the radiative transfer model, in which many elementary processes are involved from underwater up to satellite, for satellite observation of biological activity like phytoplankton, resulting in the conclusion that an extensive oceanic experiment from underwater up to satellite level is essential over interdisciplinary fields. An analogy also applies to the other two regions.
キーワードsatellite; remote sensing; radiative transfer model; phytoplankton; biological activity; global environmental science; visible region; infrared region; microwave region; 衛星; リモートセンシング; 放射伝達モデル; 植物プランクトン; 生物活動度; 地球科学; 可視域; 赤外域; マイクロ波域
資料種別Technical Report
