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著者(英)Murphy, S. C.
内容記述OPPS is a window-based graphics tool that provides easy and fast on-screen WYSIWYG editing capabilities. It has a canvas area which displays a full image of the schedule being edited. The canvas contains a header area (for text) and a schedule area (for plotting graphic representations of milestone objects in a flexible timeline). The OPPS tool is object-oriented, but it is unique in its capability for creating objects that have date attributes. Each object on the screen can be treated as a unit for moving, editing, etc. There is a mouse interface for simple control of pointer location. The user can position objects to pixel resolution, but objects with an associated date are positioned automatically in their correct timeline position in the schedule area. The schedule area has horizontal lines across the page with capabilities for multiple pages and for editing the number of lines per page and the line grid. The text on a line can be edited and a line can be moved with all objects on the line moving with it. The timeline display can be edited to plot any time period in a variety of formats from Fiscal Year to Calendar Year and days to years. Text objects and image objects (rasterfiles and icons) can be created for placement anywhere on the page. Milestone event objects with a single associated date (and optional text and milestone symbol) and activity objects with start and end dates (and an optional completion date) have unique editing panels for entering data. A representation for schedule slips is also provided. A milestone schedule can be saved to an ASCII file on another computer to be read by OPPS. The program can also print a schedule to a PostScript file. This program is not intended to replace a commercial scheduling/project management program. It does not provide the capability for defining dependencies between activities; dates must be provided manually. However, because OPPS has an ASCII file interface it can be used in conjunction with a project management tool to produce schedules with a quality appearance. OPPS is written in C-language and runs under Sunview on a Sun Workstation with SunOS 4.0 or higher. Memory requirements are 375K main memory and 1.5Mb free disk space. There is a binary included for Sun4 computers. OPPS was developed in 1990 and version 2.2 was released in 1991. OPPS is a copyrighted work with all copyright vested in NASA. SunOS, Sunview, and Sun4 are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Workstation is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
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