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タイトルNumerical calculation of clusters with strong correlations between electrons
著者(日)須江 信洋; 夏目 雄平
著者(英)Sue, Nobuhiro; Natsume, Yuhei
著者所属(日)千葉大学 大学院自然科学研究科; 千葉大学 大学院自然科学研究科
著者所属(英)Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology; Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology
刊行物名Activity Report, 1998
Activity Report, 1998
抄録The relationship between one body picture for electrons and many body effects has been studied using a new model of mixed chain by the Hubbard chain U sites and normal sites. The electronic properties of chains composed of ions with strong correlation expressed by Hubbard site being sandwiched by normal ions has been investigated by using the exact diagonalization method. The model was the one dimensional chain composed of the series of ions N-N-U-U-U-N-N, in which U and N meant the sites with strong correlation and normal metal ions, respectively. Hamiltonian was expressed by the U sites and one body electronic levels of a single ion for N sites. The numerical calculation has been carried out for the exact diagonalization for the systems of the site number of M = 7 adopting t as the unit of transfer energy. No degree of freedom for a spin has been found. It was suggested that these levels for the chemical potential mu in the range less than +1.5 and greater than -1.5 were separated far from lower (-U/2) and upper (+U/2) Hubbard levels. Then, the energy difference d has been put to the model in order to investigate the effects of the intermixing between the localized states. Calculation was performed for the conditions of U = 8, d = 0.5 and beta U = 160. It was found that there was an anomalous structure around mu greater than -2 and less than +2, and that it appeared around the midpoint between lower (-U/2) and upper (+U/2) Hubbard levels. It was suggested that the degree of freedom can be found for a spin.
キーワードstrongly correlated cluster; one body picture; many body effect; Hubbard chain; numerical calculation; exact diagonalization method; one dimensional chain model; anomalous structure; charge susceptibility; 強相関クラスタ; 1体像; 多体効果; ハバード鎖; 数値計算; 厳密対角化法; 1次元鎖模型; 異常構造; 電荷感受率
資料種別Technical Report
