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タイトルSun-perturbed Earth-to-moon transfers with ballistic capture
著者(英)Miller, James K.; Belbruno, Edward A.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述A method is described for constructing a new type of low energy transfer trajectory from the Earth to the moon leading to ballistic capture. This is accomplished by utilizing the nonlinear Earth-moon-sun perturbations on a point mass in three dimensions. The interaction of the gravitational fields of the bodies defines transition regions in the position-velocity space where the dynamic effects on the point mass tend to balance. These are termed weak stability boundaries. The transfer is obtained by the use of trajectories connecting the weak stability boundaries. It uses approximately 18 percent less Delta-V than the Hohmann transfer to insert a spacecraft into a circular orbit about the moon. The use of this transfer has recently been demonstrated by Japan's Hiten spacecraft, which arrived at the moon on October 2, 1991. Application of the transfer method is also made to the Lunar Observer Mission.
