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その他のタイトルContribution of muscle spindle afferent activity to transient pause in EMG during voluntary tonic contraction
著者(日)塚原 玲子; 青木 久; 矢部 京之助; 間野 忠明
著者(英)Tsukahara, Reiko; Aoki, Hisashi; Yabe, Kyonosuke; Mano, Tadaaki
著者所属(日)名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 愛知県コロニー 発達障害研究所; 総合保健体育科学センター; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所
著者所属(英)Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Aichi Prefectural Colony Institute of Developmental Research; Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Annals of The Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
抄録The purpose of this study is to examine how discharge of afferent fibers contributes to the pause emerging incidently in Electromyogram (EMG) during voluntary tonic contraction. The subjects were five healthy adults, who lied in the prone position with isometric plantar flexion, and EMG and electroneurogram was recorded to identify afferent discharge of muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ. As a result, the afferent discharge of muscle spindle was paused or grouped before muscle discharge paused. The muscle spindle afferent discharge was not relevant to restart of muscle discharge, at least through spinal reflex pathway. In addition, although discharge of muscle spindle was tend to group before pauses of muscle discharge, the tendency disappeared after the pauses. The EMG of Golgi tendon organ revealed that discharge was decreased during muscle discharge pause as well as before restart of muscle discharge. This suggests that decrease of inhibitory stimulus from Golgi tendon organ may contribute to muscle discharge after the restart.
キーワードmusclus soleus; muscle spindle; afferent discharge; Golgi tendon organ; isometric contraction; resting stage; voluntary contraction; electric stimulation; plantar pressure; plantar flexion; tonic contraction; terminus; excitation; histogram; electromyogram; ヒラメ筋; 筋紡錘; 求心性発射; ゴルジ腱器官; 等尺性収縮; 休止期; 隨意収縮; 電気刺激; 足底圧; 足底屈; 持続性収縮; 終末; 興奮; ヒストグラム; 筋電図
資料種別Technical Report
