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タイトルTechnical Report of ISSP Ser. A: Number 3171
その他のタイトルA new inorganic spin-peierls compound NaV2O5 evidenced by X-ray and neutron scattering
著者(日)藤井 保彦; 中尾 裕則; 吉浜 知之; 西 正和; 中島 健次; 加倉井 和久; 磯部 正彦; 上田 寛; 澤 博
著者(英)Fujii, Yasuhiko; Nakao, Hironori; Yoshihama, Tomoyuki; Nishi, Masakazu; Nakajima, Kenji; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Isobe, Masahiko; Ueda, Yutaka; Sawa, Hiroshi
著者所属(日)東京大学物性研究所 中性子散乱研究施設; 東京大学物性研究所 中性子散乱研究施設; 東京大学物性研究所 中性子散乱研究施設; 東京大学物性研究所 中性子散乱研究施設; 東京大学物性研究所 中性子散乱研究施設; 東京大学物性研究所 中性子散乱研究施設; 東京大学物性研究所; 東京大学物性研究所; 千葉大学 理学部 物理学科
著者所属(英)Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Neutron Scattering Laboratory; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Neutron Scattering Laboratory; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Neutron Scattering Laboratory; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Neutron Scattering Laboratory; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Neutron Scattering Laboratory; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Neutron Scattering Laboratory; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo; Chiba University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
発行機関などInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
刊行物名Technical Report of ISSP Ser. A
Technical Report of ISSP Ser. A
抄録The lattice dimerization and the spin-gap formation below its spin-Peierls transition temperature T(sub sp) = 35.27 K of NaV2O5, which has V(4+)(S = 1/2) linear chains along the b-axis of its orthorhombic structure have been reported in this paper. A single crystal X-ray scattering experiment shows superlattice reflections with a lattice modulation vector q = (1/2, 1/2, 1/4) and its intensity varying as (1-T/T(sub sp))(exp 2beta) with beta = 0.26 +/- 0.02. An inelastic neutron scattering from powder sample at T = 7 K clearly demonstrates the gap energy of 9.8 meV at scattering vector, absolute value of Q = 1.0 A(exp -1), corresponding to (1, 1/2, 0).
キーワードspin Peierls compound; NaV2O5; neutron scattering; lattice dimerization; spin gap formation; orthorhombic structure; gap energy; scattering vector; magnetic susceptibility; transition temperature; X ray scattering; スピン・Peierls化合物; NaV2O5; 中性子散乱; 格子2量体化; スピンギャップ形成; 斜方晶構造; ギャップエネルギー; 散乱ベクトル; 磁化率; 転移温度; X線散乱
資料種別Journal Article
