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タイトルObservations of (S III) emission from Galactic radio sources - The detection of distant planetary nebulae and a search for supernova remnant emission
著者(英)Kistiakowsky, V.; Helfand, D. J.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Narrow-band near-infrared imaging observations at wavelengths corresponding to forbidden S III 9069,9532 A have been carried out at the MDM 1.3 m telescope for 23 radio sources near the Galactic plane in an attempt to detect emission associated with nebulae marking the endpoints of stellar evolution. While none of the known remnants or remnant candidates were detected, 10 of the 11 PN candidates from a new radio imaging survey of the Galactic plane were clearly seen in the forbidden S III 9532 A line. We present a calculation of the relative efficacy of searching for PNe in the forbidden O III and forbidden S III lines; for the majority of all PNe, the observed forbidden S III 9532 A line is predicted to be stronger than forbiden O III 5007 A whenever the visual extinction exceeds 3 magnitudes. This makes forbidden S III the superior tracer of PNe at distances exceeding a few kpc. We briefly comment on the significance of this approach to defining the spatial distribution of the PN population of the Galaxy.
