JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe Ultra High Resolution XUV Spectroheliograph. III - A modified configuration for a free flying platform
著者(英)Hoover, Richard B.; Timothy, J. G.; Barbee, Troy W., Jr.; Lindblom, Joakim F.; Walker, Arthur B. C., Jr.; Tandberg-Hanssen, Einar
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The Ultra-High Resolution XUV Spectroheliograph (UHRXS) is a comprehensive solar observatory capable of studying solar phenomena at soft X-ray, XUV, EUV, and VUV wavelengths with normal incidence imaging multilayer telescopes capable of very high angular resolution (about 0.1 arcsec), and spectrographs able to achieve high spectral resolution. This instrument has been selected by NASA for flight as an attached payload on the Space Station Freedom. Recent developments have made it clear that accommodations for attached payloads on Freedom will not become available during the initial operations of Freedom and may never be available. We have studied the changes that must be made to place the UHRXS instrument on a Free Flying Plafform such as the Delta Launched Explorer Bus. We report on the configuration, performance, and accommodation on a free flying platform of the revised UHRXS concept.
