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タイトルA theory of nonlocal mixing-length convection. I - The moment formalism
著者(英)Arnett, David; Grossman, Scott A.; Narayan, Ramesh
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters
内容記述A flexible and potentially powerful theory of convection, based on the mixing length picture, is developed to make unbiased self-consistent predictions about overshooting and other complicated phenomena in convection. The basic formalism is set up, and the method's power is demonstrated by showing that a simplified version of the theory reproduces all the standard results of local convection. The second-order equations of the theory are considered in the limit of a steady state and vanishing third moments, and it is shown that they reproduce all the standard results of local mixing-length convection. There is a particular value of the superadiabatic gradient, below which the only possible steady state of a fluid is nonconvecting. Above this critical value, a fluid is convectively unstable. Two distinct regimes of convection, which are identified as efficient and inefficient convection, are determined.
