JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDevelopment of a large scale Chimera grid system for the Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle
著者(英)Gomez, Ray J.; Stanley, Scott A.; Chiu, Ing-Tsau; Buning, Pieter G.; Wulf, Armin; Chan, William M.; Martin, Fred W., Jr.; Le Beau, Gerald J.; Pearce, Daniel G.; Akdag, Vedat
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center; NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The application of CFD techniques to large problems has dictated the need for large team efforts. This paper offers an opportunity to examine the motivations, goals, needs, problems, as well as the methods, tools, and constraints that defined NASA's development of a 111 grid/16 million point grid system model for the Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle. The Chimera approach used for domain decomposition encouraged separation of the complex geometry into several major components each of which was modeled by an autonomous team. ICEM-CFD, a CAD based grid generation package, simplified the geometry and grid topology definition by provoding mature CAD tools and patch independent meshing. The resulting grid system has, on average, a four inch resolution along the surface.
AIAA PAPER 93-0533
