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タイトル松葉中のPb-210, Be-7の測定
その他のタイトルDetermination of P[lc]b-210 and B[lc]e-7 in pine needle samples
著者(日)小島 貞男; 古川 路明; 吉田 和弘; 斎藤 直
著者(英)Kojima, Sadao; Furukawa, Michiaki; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Saito, Tadashi
著者所属(日)愛知医科大学 医学部附属核医学センター; 四日市大学 環境情報学部; 四日市大学 環境情報学部; 大阪大学 ラジオアイソトープ総合センター
著者所属(英)Aichi Medical University Nuclear Medical Center, School of Medicine; Yokkaichi University Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences; Yokkaichi University Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences; Osaka University Radioisotope Research Center
刊行物名Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity
抄録Determination of Be-7 and Pb-210 in pine needles is useful to investigate not only distribution of the radionuclides in the environment but also behavior of air-borne materials in the atmosphere. Radioactivities of Be-7, Pb-210, Cs-137 and K-40 were determined with a well-type Ge detector after pine needles had been to ashes at 450 C. The concentrations of Pb-210 were nearly constant between 2.0 Bq(g-ash)(exp -1) and 2.7 Bq(g-ash)(exp -1), and those of Be-7 ranged from 1.8 Bq(g-ash)(exp -1) to 5.2 Bq(g-ash)(exp -1). Ratios of Be-7 to Pb-210 in pine needles were much smaller than those in rain, This fact leads that the two radionuclides adhered to pine needles for long time, The maximum figure of merit was obtained for 0.8 g-ash of pine needle, corresponding to 40 g of fresh pine needle, by use of a well-type Ge detector.
キーワードpine needle; Pb-210; Be-7; radioactive isotope; mass transfer; Ge detector; gamma ray spectrometry; environmental monitoring; 松葉; Pb-210; Be-7; 放射性同位体; 物質移動; Ge検出器; ガンマ線スペクトロメトリー; 環境モニタリング
資料種別Conference Paper
