JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルGravitationally lensed arcs in two X-ray selected clusters of galaxies at z = 0.426 and z = 0.583
著者(英)Gioia, I. M.; Luppino, G. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The discovery of two clusters of galaxies that contain new gravitationally lensed images (arcs) of high-redshift background galaxies is reported. Both clusters, MS1621.5+2640 and MS2053.7-0449, were selected from the Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey based on their high X-ray luminosity. V-band CCD images of the clusters taken in 0.5 arcsec seeing are presented, and it is shown that the arcs in both clusters are thin; they remain unresolved in width, but are fragmented along their length. The arc in MS1621.5+2640 has a small radius of curvature (about 7 arcsec), and spans about 70 deg centered near a 2.6 mJy radio galaxy that is not the brightest cluster galaxy. The arc in MS2053.7-0449 spans 40 deg at a radius of about 16 arcsec with a center slightly offset from the optically dominant cluster galaxy. The arc fragments into two clumps that appear to be stretched images of background galaxies.
