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タイトルS-154 in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Spectral evolution from a luminous Fe II variable to a symbiotic-like star
著者(英)Tuohy, I. R.; Remillard, R. A.; Brissenden, R. J. V.; Rosenthal, E.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Schwartz, D. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The evolution of the emission-line Star S-154, between February and December 1988, from a low-excitation 'Fe II star' into a high-excitation state that resembles symbiotic stars, is traced. It is inferred that the spectral type of central stars do not always dominate the physical conditions in the circumstellar material and thereby determine the nebular classification. The membership of S-154 in the LMC was confirmed with a radial velocity measurement of +274 km/s. The historical light curve (1880-1990) obtained from 346 photograph plates of the Harvard Plate Library exhibits about 4 mag of variations, with an MB range of -6 to -2. No evidence was found for coherent modulations that would represent the orbital period of a symbiotic binary.
