JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルModeling of the mechanical alloying process
著者(英)Courtney, T. H.; Maurice, D.
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters
内容記述Two programs have been developed to compute the dimensional and property changes that occur with repetitive impacts during the mechanical alloying process. The more sophisticated of the programs also maintains a running count of the fractions of particles present and from this calculates a population distribution. The programs predict powder particle size and shape changes in accord with the accepted stages of powder development during mechanical alloying of ductile species. They also predict hardness and lamellar thickness changes with processing, again with reasonable agreement with experimental results. These predictions offer support of the model (and thereby give insight into the possible 'actual' happenings of mechanical alloying) and hence allow refinement and calibration of the myriad aspects of the model. They also provide a vehicle for establishing control over the dimensions and properties of the output powders used for consolidation, thereby facilitating optimization of the consolidation process.
