JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルComputer modeling of solar wind interaction with Venus and Mars
著者(英)Spreiter, John R.; Stahara, Stephen S.
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters
内容記述The fundamental ideas, successes, and shortcomings of fluid models based on MHD theory for the interaction of the solar wind and a planetary magnetic field and/or atmosphere are reviewed, with special attention to applications to Venus and Mars. An account, including new quantitative results, is given of a number of enhancements of a basic gasdynamic convected field approximation to the magnetohydrodynamic model that incorporate features of solar wind flow past a planet not treated previously. These permit solutions to be calculated for 3D, as opposed to axisymmetric, obstacle shapes, the effects of a magnetic barrier region just exterior to the ionopause, the complete MHD equations for the special case in which the interplanetary magnetic field is aligned with the flow, the effects of mass loading by pickup of ions newly created by photoionization of atmospheric neutrals, and for the unsteady effects associated with the passage of an interplanetary shock wave. Particular emphasis is placed on the information furnished by these models that can be compared with observations, and conversely on the observational data that provide critical tests of the models.
