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タイトルHEAO 3 observations of strong variable 0.5-3 MeV emission from the Taurus region
著者(英)Dermer, Charles D.; Ling, James C.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.; NASA Headquarters
内容記述Preliminary results are reported of observations of strong (greater than 10 sigma) variable MeV emission from the Taurus region, possibly the Crab nebula, in 1980 by the HEAO 3 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy experiment. The about 50-day time-averaged spectrum of the Crab shows a new component, which consists of a hard spectral 'knee' in the 0.4-1 MeV range, followed by a higher energy component extending to greater than 3 MeV, superposed on the canonical Crab power law spectrum with a spectral index of 2.2. This new spectral component was not observed four months earlier in the fall of 1979, when the spectrum was consistent with a single power law with the index of 2.2, the same as that observed in 1980. There is no indication that the gamma-ray emission was pulsed.
