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タイトルNobeyama Radio Observatory Report: Number 368
その他のタイトルSubmillimeter-wave telescope onboard a sounding rocket
著者(日)松尾 宏; 稲谷 順司; 久野 茂夫; 宮沢 敬輔; 奥村 健市; 春日 隆; 村上 浩
著者(英)Matsuo, Hiroshi; Inatani, Junji; Kuno, Nario; Miyazawa, Keisuke; Okumura, Kenichi; Kasuga, Takashi; Murakami, Hiroshi
著者所属(日)国立天文台 野辺山電波観測所; 国立天文台 野辺山電波観測所; 国立天文台 野辺山電波観測所; 国立天文台 野辺山電波観測所; 東京大学 大学院; 法政大学 工学部 電気工学科計測制御専攻; 宇宙科学研究所
著者所属(英)National Astronomical Observatory Nobeyama Radio Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory Nobeyama Radio Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory Nobeyama Radio Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory Nobeyama Radio Observatory; University of Tokyo Graduate School; Hosei University Department of Instrument and Control Engineering, College of Engineering; Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
発行機関などNobeyama Radio Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatory
刊行物名Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report
抄録A submillimeter-wave telescope for a Japanese sounding rocket, S-520-17, which is dedicated for an observation of cold dust in Orion molecular cloud region, has been made. The system is now under test for launch in Jan. 1995. The telescope include an off-axis Gregorian telescope with aperture of 30 cm, focal plane bolometer array, cryogenic cooling system down to 0.3 K, and a star sensor using charge modulation device. A very low emissivity optical arrangement of less than one percent is achieved using pure aluminum mirror, off axis reflector and cold optics. Single moded conical feed horn is effectively coupled with bolometers with efficiency of more than 90 percent. The focal plane array consists of 12-element bolometers, six for 250 micrometers observation and six for 500 micrometers observation. NEPs (Noise Equivalent Power) of the bolometers are 5 x 10(exp - 17) W/square root of Hz which is read out by AC (Alternative Current) bridge read-out circuit. Total system gives sensitivities of about 10(exp - 12) W/sq cm sr for diffuse objects or 2 Jy for compact objects at 500 micrometers over 100 sq deg region with a beam sizes of 10 arcmin. This observation gives unique data on cold dust distribution, which is believed to dominate the dust mass distribution, over Orion molecular cloud region.
キーワードsounding rocket; on board submillimeter wave telescope; Orion; molecular cloud; cold dust; radio astronomy; off axis Gregorian telescope; focal plane borometer array; cryogenic cooling system; star sensor; submillimeter wave detection; road out circuit; sensitivity; spatial distribution; optical system; 観測ロケット; 搭載用サブミリ波望遠鏡; オリオン座; 分子雲; 冷たいダスト; 電波天文学; off-axisグレゴリアン望遠鏡; フォーカルプレーン・ボロメータ・アレイ; 低温冷却システム; 星センサ; サブミリ波検出; 読み出し回路; 感度; 空間分布; 光学システム
資料種別Technical Report
