JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEngineering method for aero-propulsive characteristics at hypersonic Mach numbers
著者(英)Everhart, Joel L.; Stack, Sharon H.; Torres, Abel O.; Goradia, Suresh
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述An engineering method has been developed for the rapid analysis of external aerodynamics and propulsive performance characteristics of airbreathing vehicles at hypersonic Mach numbers. This method, based on the theory of characteristics, has been developed to analyze fuselage-wing body combinations and body flaps with blunt or sharp leading/trailing edges. Arbitrary ratio of specific heat for the flowing medium can be specified in the program. Furthermore, the capability exists in the code to compute the inviscid inlet mass capture and momentum flux. The method is under development for computations of pressure distribution, and flow characteristics in the inlet, along with the effect of viscosity. Correlative studies have been performed for representative hypersonic configurations using the current method. The results of these correlations for various aerodynamics parameters are encouraging.
AIAA PAPER 91-5061
