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タイトルThe snapshot survey - A search for gravitationally lensed quasars with the Hubble Space Telescope
著者(英)Doxsey, R.; Maoz, D.; Schneider, D. P.; Yanny, B.; Bahcall, N. A.; Lahav, O.; Bahcall, J. N.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The first results from the HST Non-Proprietary Snapshot Survey are presented in order to investigate new examples of multiply imaged quasars that are the result of gravitational lensing. None of the approximately 30 quasars observed at high spatial resolution show evidence of multiple imaging by gravitational lensing. These results are compared with lower resolution ground-based surveys and current theoretical predictions. Several engineering problems in the observatory's performance are addressed. It particular, the large telescope pointing errors and drift rates are found to be primarily the result of the lack of correction for stellar aberration when pointing and tracking are performed solely with gyroscopes. The implications for the possibly low intrinsic gyro drift rate on future observations are discussed.
