JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルComparison of Echo 7 field line length measurements to magnetospheric model predictions
著者(英)Nemzek, R. J.; Winckler, J. R.; Malcolm, P. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The Echo 7 sounding rocket experiment injected electron beams on central tail field lines near L = 6.5. Numerous injections returned to the payload as 'conjugate echoes' after mirroring in the southern hemisphere. Field line lengths calculated from measured conjugate echo bounce times and energies are compared to predictions made by integrating electron trajectories through various magnetospheric models. Although Kp at launch was 3-, quiet time magnetic models best fit the echo measurements. Geosynchronous satellite magnetometer measurements near the Echo 7 field lines during the flight were best modeled by the Olson-Pfitzer Dynamic Model and the Tsyganenko-Usmanov model for Kp = 3. The discrepancy between the models that best fit the Echo 7 data and those that fit the satellite data was most likely due to uncertainties in the small-scale configuration of the magnetospheric models. The field line length measured by the conjugate echoes showed some temporal variation in the magnetic field, also indicated by the satellite magnetometers. This demonstrates the utility an Echo-style experiment could have in substorm studies.
