タイトル | An evaluation of HEMT potential for millimeter-wave signal sources using interpolation and harmonic balance techniques |
著者(英) | Kwon, Youngwoo; Tutt, Marcel N.; Pavlidis, Dimitris |
著者所属(英) | NASA Headquarters |
発行日 | 1991-12-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | A large-signal analysis method based on an harmonic balance technique and a 2-D cubic spline interpolation function has been developed and applied to the prediction of InP-based HEMT oscillator performance for frequencies extending up to the submillimeter-wave range. The large-signal analysis method uses a limited number of DC and small-signal S-parameter data and allows the accurate characterization of HEMT large-signal behavior. The method has been validated experimentally using load-pull measurement. Oscillation frequency, power performance, and load requirements are discussed, with an operation capability of 300 GHz predicted using state-of-the-art devices (fmax is approximately equal to 450 GHz). |
レポートNO | 92A23893 |
権利 | Copyright |