タイトル | Effect of dehydration on thirst and drinking during immersion in men |
著者(英) | Greenleaf, J. E.; Tanaka, H.; Sagawa, S.; Miki, K.; Choi, J. K.; Tajima, F.; Shiraki, K.; Keil, L. C. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Headquarters; NASA Ames Research Center |
発行日 | 1992-01-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | The effect of water immersion on voluntary water intake, subjective evaluations of thirst and gastrointestinal state, and associated fluid-electrolyte and hormonal interaction were investigated. Eight men (19-25 yrs of age) were immersed to the neck while sitting for three hours at 34.5 C or in air at 28 C when euhydrated and hypohydrated by 3.6 percent body weight loss. Within the first ten minutes of immersion the significant reduction in drinking in the hypo-H2O experiment was associated with unchanged plasma Na(+), plasma osmolality, heart rates, and mean arterial pressures. Different responses increased cardiac output, plasma volume, and atrial natriuretic peptides and decreased plasma renin activity and arginine vasopressin. It is concluded that the extracellular pathway, as opposed to the osmotic pathway, appears to be the major mechanism for immersion-induced suppression of drinking. |
レポートNO | 92A22845 |
権利 | Copyright |