JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAnalysis of an initial lunar outpost life support system preliminary design
著者(英)Bilardo, Vincent J., Jr.; Ballin, Mark G.; Ng, Yat S.; Finn, Cory K.; Likens, William C.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center; Sterling Federal Systems, Inc.
内容記述A preliminary design of a life-support system (LSS) was developed as part of an ongoing comprehensive trade study of advanced processor technologies and system architectures for an initial lunar outpost. The design is based on a mission scenario requiring intermittent occupation of a lunar-surface habitat by a crew of four. It incorporates physiochemical process technologies that were considered for Space Station Freedom. A system-level simulation model of the design was developed to obtain steady-state material balances for each LSS processor. The mass-flow rate predictions were used to obtain estimates of the LSS mass, volume, and power consumption by means of processor-sizing correlations that were extrapolated from Space Station Freedom processor designs. The results were used to analyze the impacts of varying crew size, mission duration, processor-operation strategy, and crew-cabin loads on the LSS mass, average power consumption, volume, periodic resupply mass, and waste-accumulation rates. The merits of the design were quantified relative to an open-loop LSS, and the implications of this assessment for future LSS research and technology development were identified.
SAE PAPER 911395
