JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルIntegrated trajectory and control analysis for generic hypersonic vehicles
著者(英)Malchow, Harvey L.; Shaughnessy, John; Hattis, Philip D.; Chowdhry, Rajiv S.
著者所属(英)Draper (Charles Stark) Lab., Inc.; NASA Langley Research Center; Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co.
内容記述A tool which supports integrated assessment of air-breathing hypersonic vehicle trajectory management and control strategy has been developed by Hattis and Malchow (1991). Using a two-point boundary value problem solution technique, the tool can construct an entire near-minimum-fuel trajectory and desired control strategy from takeoff to orbit, while satisfying physically derived inequality constraints and while achieving efficient propulsive mode phasing. A strategy is also formulated to construct preliminary trajectory and control history representations with less computational burden than required for the overall flight profile assessment. A tabulated example hypersonic vehicle model has been used to demonstrate the integrated analysis methodology. To assure good numerical behavior when the algorithm uses tabulated model data, a multidimensional cubic spline curve smoothing routine has been developed. A dynamic-pressure-constrained, near-fuel-optimal trajectory was computed to provide examples of information that the methodology can provide. Previously unspecified propulsive discontinuities were located, flight regimes demanding rapid attitude changes were identified, available and closed-loop controller authority was ascertained, and inadequacies in vehicle and specific subsystem model representations were determined.
AIAA PAPER 91-5052
