JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA survey of rapid sample return needs from Space Station Freedom and potential return systems
著者(英)Mccandless, Ronald S.; Charlton, Kevin; Siegel, Bette
著者所属(英)BDM Corp.; BDM International, Inc.; NASA Headquarters
内容記述Results are presented of a survey conducted among potential users of the life sciences and material sciences facilities at the Space Station Freedom (SSF) to determine the need for a special rapid sample return (RSR) mission to bring the experimental samples from the Space Station Freedom (SSF) to earth between the Space Shuttle visits. The results of the survey show that, while some experimental objectives would benefit from the RSR capability, other available cost- and mission-effective means could be used instead of the RSR proposed. Potential vehicles for transporting samples from the SSF to earth are examined in the context of the survey results.
IAF PAPER 91-106
