JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルJoint US-USSR Long duration Antarctic Mars calibration Balloon (LAMB) mission
著者(英)Squyres, S. W.; Trombka, J. I.; Surkov, Iu. A.; Starr, R.; Mitugov, A. G.; Floyd, S. R.; Rester, A. C.; Shcheglov, O.; Evans, L. G.; Moskaleva, L. P.
著者所属(英)Cornell Univ.|Academy of Sciences (USSR)|Florida Univ.|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The Long duration Antarctic Mars calibration Balloon (LAMB) project has been established at Goddard Space Flight Center for the evaluation and cross calibration of U.S. and USSR remote sensing gamma-ray and neutron detectors. These detectors are analogs of those flown on the Soviet Phobos mission around Mars and those to be flown on the upcoming U.S. Mars Observer mission. Cosmic rays, which are normally filtered out by the atmosphere, and the earth's magnetic field, will induce gamma-ray and neutron emissions from about a half ton of simulated Mars soil aboard the gondola. The cross calibration of these instruments should greatly facilitate the data analysis from both missions and play a role in U.S.-USSR cooperation in space.
AIAA PAPER 91-3655
