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タイトルDose distribution of stereotactic irradiation for thorax
著者(日)坂井 涼子; 齊藤 秀敏; 藤崎 達也; 阿部 慎司; 福田 賢一; 福士 政広; 国枝 悦夫
著者(英)Sakai, Ryoko; Saito, Hidetoshi; Fujisaki, Tatsuya; Abe, Shinji; Fukuda, Kenichi; Fukushi, Masahiro; Kunieda, Etsuo
著者所属(日)メディカル・フロント; 東京都立保健科学大学; 茨城県立医療大学; 茨城県立医療大学; 東京都立保健科学大学; 東京都立保健科学大学; 慶應義塾大学
著者所属(英)Medical Front; Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences; Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences; Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences; Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences; Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences; Keio University
刊行物名Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on EGS
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on EGS
抄録Stereotactic irradiation has been adopted in many hospitals recently. For this treatment, accurate dosimetry is important for determining the absorbed dose to target volume. But there are some difficulties caused by small field. Especially in the case of lung cancer, it is difficult to determine the absorbed dose for narrow beam field. Because it is composed variety materials, it makes determining absorbed dose to be difficult. In the lung, which has a low density, the number of recoil electron per unit volume is smaller than the soft tissue and travels longer distance. Consequently, the recoil electron arrives the outside of the field and electron equilibrium does not exist. In this study, the absorbed dose distribution of thorax was calculated using the EGS4 Monte Carlo simulation. The thorax model was composed of 3 layers; the thickness of front chest wall is 3 cm, the thickness of back chest wall is 5 cm, and between them, there is lung in which including small target volume. The variation of absorbed dose distribution as a function of field size, energy of incident X-ray and depth of target volume was investigated.
キーワードdose distribution; stereotactic irradiation; thorax; electron recoil; Monte Carlo simulation; X ray; electron photon cascade; EGS4; research and development; 線量分布; 走固性照射; 胸部; 電子反挑; モンテカルロシミュレーション; X線; 電子・光子カスケード; EGS4; 研究開発
資料種別Conference Paper
