JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAbstract of talk for Silicon Valley Linux Users Group
著者(英)Clanton, Sam
著者所属(英)QSS Group, Inc.
内容記述The use of Linux for research at NASA Ames is discussed.Topics include:work with the Atmospheric Physics branch on software for a spectrometer to be used in the CRYSTAL-FACE mission this summer; work on in the Neuroengineering Lab with code IC including an introduction to the extension of the human senses project,advantages with using linux for real-time biological data processing,algorithms utilized on a linux system, goals of the project,slides of people with Neuroscan caps on, and progress that has been made and how linux has helped.
NASA分類Computer Systems
権利No Copyright
