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タイトルRF Manipulation and Detection of Protons in the High Performance Antiproton Trap (HiPAT) Experiment
著者(英)Pearson, J. Boise; Sims, W. Herb; Martin, James; Stan McDonald; Fant, Wallace E.; Lewis, Raymond A.; Chakrabarti, Suman
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述HiPAT is a Penning-Malmberg trap designed to contain 10(exp 12) particles diagnostics of the plasma. Destructive particle detection is performed by extracting trapped ions from HiPAT and colliding them with a microchannel plate detector (providing number and energy information). The improved RF system has been used to detect various plasma modes for both electron and ion plasmas in the two traps at MSFC, including axd, cyclotron, and diocotron modes. New diagnostics are also being added to HiPAT to measure the axial density distribution of the trapped cloud to match measured RF plasma modes to plasma conditions. In addition, plasma modeling efforts have been started using the XOOPIC code.
NASA分類Nuclear Physics
権利No Copyright
