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タイトルKinetic Roughening and Energetics of Tetragonal Lysozyme Crystal Growth
著者(英)Forsythe, Elizabeth L.; Pusey, Marc L.; Gorti, Sridhar
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Lysozyme crystal growth rates over 5 orders of magnitude in range can be described using a layer-by-layer model where growth occurs by 2D nucleation on the crystal surface. Based upon the 2D nucleation model of layer growth, the effective barrier for growth was determined to be gamma = 1.3 plus or minus 0.3 x 10(exp -13) erg/molecule, corresponding to a barrier of 3.2 plus or minus 0.7 k(sub B)T, at 22 C. For solution supersaturation, In c/c(sub eq) greater than or equal to 1.9 plus or minus 0.2, the nucleation model would not predict or consistently estimate the highest observable crystal growth rates. As such, a kinetic roughening hypothesis where crystal growth occurs by a continuous mode was implemented for all growth rate data obtained above In c(sub r)/c(sub eq) greater than or equal to 2. That is, independent of the solution conditions that vary with either buffer pH, temperature or precipitant concentration, crystal growth occurs by the continuous addition of molecules anywhere on the crystal surface, above a roughening solution supersaturation. The energy barrier, E(sub c), for the continuous growth process is determined as 6.1 plus or minus 0.4 x 10(exp -13) erg/molecule or 15 plus or minus 1 k(sub B)T at 22 C.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
権利No Copyright
