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タイトルAnalysis Methods and Results for Weak Gamma-Ray Bursts in the BATSE Data
著者(英)Meegan, C. A.; Sanin, A. B.; Fishman, G. J.; Briggs, M. S.; Kippen, R. M.; Litvak, M. L.; Preece, R. D.; Paciesas, W. S.; Anfimov, D. S.; Mitrofanov, I. G.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述We report initial results on the statistical properties of the dimmest gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE), using new ground-based methods to obtain a sample of GRBs from 502 days of BATSE data. Using the most sensitive ground-based detection of GRBs, the sample extends to GRBs much fainter than those detected by the on-board trigger, but because of the temporal resolution of the data, the sample is limited to GRBs of duration of at least 2(approx.)s. For each detected event, Bayesian probabilities are calculated for the event to belong to each of seven classes of differing physical origins. The sample of GRB candidates is defined by the requirement that the Bayesian probability for belonging to the GRB class is higher than 0.5. The intensity distribution of the GRB sample is corrected using a Monte Carlo simulation of the post-flight detection efficiency. The dimmest BATSE bursts of the sample continue the hardness-intensity trend seen in brighter GREs and are consistent with isotropy.
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