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タイトルThe Effect of Rotating a Faraday Disc Perpendicular to an Applied Magnetic Field Theory and Experiment
著者(英)Mazuruk, Konstantin; Grugel, Richard N.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述A magnetohydrodynamic model that examines the effect of rotating an electrically conducting cylinder with a uniform external magnetic field applied orthogonal to its axis is presented. Noting a simple geometry, it can be classified as a fundamental dynamo problem. For the case of an infinitely long cylinder, an analytical solution is obtained and analyzed in detail. A semi-analytical model was developed that considers a finite cylinder. Experimental data from a spinning brass wheel in the presence of Earth's magnetic field were compared to the proposed theory and found to fit well.
NASA分類Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
権利No Copyright
