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タイトルSome Considerations on the Pulsed Electromagnetic Acceleration of Plasma
著者(英)Sommers, J. C.; Thio, Y. C. F.; Cassibry, J. T.; Rodgers, Stephen L.; Turchi, P. J.; Markusic, T. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述In applying pulsed electromagnetic acceleration of plasma to space propulsion (known as pulsed plasma thrusters in the community), the mode of acceleration used has been mostly in the collisionless or near-collisionless regime. The preparation of the initial plasma is given scant attention. Collisional regime of accelerating the plasma, however, have been encountered in a variety of plasma accelerating devices. Both of these modes of acceleration are reviewed in a companion paper. In this paper, we discuss the considerations governing the controlled introduction and preparation of the initial plasma, so that the collisional mode of accelerating the plasma may be suitably enhanced.
NASA分類Plasma Physics
権利No Copyright
