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タイトルManaging Radiation Degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory
著者(英)Minow, Joseph I.; Blackwell, William C.; ODell, Stephen L.; Cameron, Robert A.; Morris, David C.; Virani, Shanil N.; Six, N. Frank
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The CCDs on the Chandra X ray Observatory are sensitive to radiation damage particularly from low-energy protons scattering off the telescope's mirrors onto the focal plane. In its highly elliptical orbit, Chandra passes through a spatially and temporally varying radiation environment, ranging from the radiation belts to the solar wind. Translating thc Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) out of the focal position during radiation-belt passages has prevented loss of scientific utility and eventually functionality. However, carefully managing the radiation damage during the remainder of the orbit, without unnecessarily sacrificing observing time, is essential to optimizing the scientific value of this exceptional observatory throughout its planned 10-year mission. In working toward this optimization, the Chandra team developed aid applied radiation-management strategies. These strategies include autonomous instrument safing triggered by the on-board radiation monitor, as well as monitoring, alerts, and intervention based upon real-time space-environment data from NOAA and NASA spacecraft. Furthermore, because Chandra often spends much of its orbit out of the solar wind (in the Earth's outer magnetosphere and magnetosheath), the team developed the Chandra Radiation Model to describe the complete low-energy-proton environment. Management of the radiation damage has thus far succeeded in limiting degradation of the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) to less than 4.4*10^-6 and 1.4*10^-6 per year for the front-illuminated and back-illuminated CCDs, respectively.
NASA分類Documentation and Information Science
権利No Copyright
