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タイトルSession A-14: Variability of Storm Tracks Storm Tracks and Unseasonable Temperatures in Europe in December 2001
著者(英)Koslowsky, D.; Otterman, J.; Atlas, R.; Przybylak, R.; Starr, D.; Ardizzone, J.; Atlas, Robert; Rogers, J.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述In December 2001, a series of cyclonic centers progressed rapidly into Europe from the west and north. The cyclones moved in generally similar directions, along paths separated by few hundreds of kilometers. The advancing cyclones brought the usual sequence of changing wind directions and produced some high speed wind events. We investigate the wind patterns for this month based on analyses derived the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager observations and NCEP analyses. Whereas southwesterlies from the North Atlantic produced moderate temperatures early in the month, strong northerlies and northwesterlies (up to 15 m/s on 20-22 December) produced a drop in daily minimum and maximum temperatures of 18.8 C and 9.9 C, respectively, over a 4 day period (to -18.8 C and -6.8 C, respectively, on December 23 in Torun, Poland). Such low values in December are unprecedented in recent decades, though not for January or February.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
