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タイトルIntegration of the Remote Agent for the NASA Deep Space One Autonomy Experiment
著者(英)Gamble, Edward B., Jr.; Nayak, P. Pandurang; Kanefsky, Bob; Muscettola, Nicola; Bernard, Douglas E.; Kurien, James; Dorais, Gregory A.; Rajan, Kanna; Lau, Sonie
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述This paper describes the integration of the Remote Agent (RA), a spacecraft autonomy system which is scheduled to control the Deep Space 1 spacecraft during a flight experiment in 1999. The RA is a reusable, model-based autonomy system that is quite different from software typically used to control an aerospace system. We describe the integration challenges we faced, how we addressed them, and the lessons learned. We focus on those aspects of integrating the RA that were either easier or more difficult than integrating a more traditional large software application because the RA is a model-based autonomous system. A number of characteristics of the RA made integration process easier. One example is the model-based nature of RA. Since the RA is model-based, most of its behavior is not hard coded into procedural program code. Instead, engineers specify high level models of the spacecraft's components from which the Remote Agent automatically derives correct system-wide behavior on the fly. This high level, modular, and declarative software description allowed some interfaces between RA components and between RA and the flight software to be automatically generated and tested for completeness against the Remote Agent's models. In addition, the Remote Agent's model-based diagnosis system automatically diagnoses when the RA models are not consistent with the behavior of the spacecraft. In flight, this feature is used to diagnose failures in the spacecraft hardware. During integration, it proved valuable in finding problems in the spacecraft simulator or flight software. In addition, when modifications are made to the spacecraft hardware or flight software, the RA models are easily changed because they only capture a description of the spacecraft. one does not have to maintain procedural code that implements the correct behavior for every expected situation. On the other hand, several features of the RA made it more difficult to integrate than typical flight software. For example, the definition of correct behavior is more difficult to specify for a system that is expected to reason about and flexibly react to its environment than for a traditional flight software system. Consequently, whenever a change is made to the RA it is more time consuming to determine if the resulting behavior is correct. We conclude the paper with a discussion of future work on the Remote Agent as well as recommendations to ease integration of similar autonomy projects.
NASA分類Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
権利No Copyright
