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その他のタイトルCharpy impact test method at liquid helium temperature (4 K)
著者(日)高野 克敏; 押切 雅幸; 中嶋 秀夫; 辻 博史
著者(英)Takano, Katsutoshi; Oshikiri, Masayuki; Nakajima, Hideo; Tsuji, Hiroshi
著者所属(日)日本原子力研究所 那珂研究所 超電導磁石研究室; 日本原子力研究所 那珂研究所 超電導磁石研究室; 日本原子力研究所 那珂研究所 超電導磁石研究室; 日本原子力研究所 那珂研究所 超電導磁石研究室
著者所属(英)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Superconducting Magnet Laboratory, Naka Fusion Research Establishment; Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Superconducting Magnet Laboratory, Naka Fusion Research Establishment; Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Superconducting Magnet Laboratory, Naka Fusion Research Establishment; Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Superconducting Magnet Laboratory, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
刊行物名KEK Proceedings
KEK Proceedings
抄録The charpy impact test at 4 K is obligated for the structural materials of superconducting magnet, in order to ensure strength of the structural materials under low temperature. The Glass Dewar method and the flow method are the Charpy test method under low temperature environment. Measurement principle, measurement procedures, and advantages and shortcomings of these two methods were presented. Although the glass Dewar method requires calibration of absorbed energy, evaluation method of absorbed energy was established by comparing with absorbed energy in the Charpy test. In the flow method, it was found that the way of packaging the test sample with styrol foam influenced the test temperature. It was also found that a single packaging could maintain 4 K by selecting adequately the angle of liquid helium outlet. Based on this result, evaluation method of absorbed energy in the flow method was established. In JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute), the flow method is adopted as the Charpy impact test at present because of low cost and easy performance.
キーワードliquid helium temperature; Charpy impact test; superconducting magnet structural material; glass Dewar method; flow method; absorbed energy; calibration; absorbed energy evaluation method; test temperature; styrol foam; packaging; blowing outlet angle; fracture toughness; 液体ヘリウム温度; シャルピー衝撃試験; 超伝導磁石構造材料; ガラスデュワ法; フロー法; 吸収エネルギー; 較正; 吸収エネルギー評価法; 試験温度; 発砲スチロール; パッケージング; 吹き出し口角度; 破壊靭性
資料種別Conference Paper
