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タイトルHigh Power Thruster Based on Inductive Magnetized Plasmoid Acceleration
著者(英)Chavers, Greg; Jones, Johnathan; Rodgers, Stephen L.; Slough, John; Thio, Francis; Martin, Adam
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Regardless of the power source, deep space missions will require both high specific impulse (greater than 500 s) and high thrust power (greater than 100kW). These high Isp thrusters will need to have high electrical efficiency (approx. 90%) and low specific mass (alpha approximately less than 10 kg/kW) as well. Additionally they should have high thrust to allow greater mission flexibility. All these requirements can potentially be achieved with the pulsed formation and acceleration of magnetically self-confined plasmoids commonly referred to as compact toroids (CTs). An electromagnetic plasma thruster based on CT acceleration makes an ideal candidate for a high power, high Isp thruster, since the CT is magnetically isolated from the accelerator so that there is no contact between the propellant and the accelerator. The transfer of momentum to the CT occurs through an electromagnetic interaction with the magnetic field. By maintaining an axial magnetic field gradient across it, the directed velocity of the CT can be increased indefinitely. In previous experiments carried out at the University of Washington, CT's of near milligram mass were accelerated to velocities of 250 km/s in a single pulse. The ejection of the plasmoid by an external axial field also avoids the serious problem of detachment, which would occur in thrusters that employ a magnetic mirror or magnetic nozzle. To employ the CT for propulsion, one must design, construct and test a plasma source that is capable of generating a self-confined plasma inductively, and to do it repeatedly at a sufficiently high rep rate. A repetitively pulsed 100 kW level FRC thruster was built and was operated for short bursts at a 10 kHz rep rate and will be described. Another regime for the FRC thruster however is to produce an FRC in a more conventional manner at high voltage and magnetic field. With the large energy transfer with each pulse, the rep rate for this approach is much lower (approximately 100 Hz). This is the approach that is being evaluated at MSFC in the FAST experiment. The purpose of this experiment is to build an FRC thruster, measure its performance characteristics e.g. specific impulse, thrust, and efficiency. This experiment will also be described as well as various mission scenarios that that are well matched for this type of propulsion.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利No Copyright
