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タイトルProgress In Plasma Accelerator Development for Dynamic Formation of Plasma Liners
著者(英)Griffin, Steven; Rodgers, Stephen L.; Thio, Y. C. Francis; Lee, Michael; Martin, Adam; Eskridge, Richard; Smith, James; Cassibry, Jason T.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述An experimental plasma accelerator for magnetic target fusion (MTF) applications under development at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is described. The accelerator is a coaxial pulsed plasma thruster (Figure 1). It has been tested experimentally and plasma jet velocities of approx.50 km/sec have been obtained. The plasma jet has been photographed with 10-ns exposure times to reveal a stable and repeatable plasma structure (Figure 2). Data for velocity profile information has been obtained using light pipes and magnetic probes embedded in the gun walls to record the plasma and current transit respectively at various barrel locations. Preliminary spatially resolved spectral data and magnetic field probe data are also presented. A high speed triggering system has been developed and tested as a means of reducing the gun "jitter". This jitter is being characterized and future work for second generation "ultra-low jitter" gun development is being identified.
NASA分類Plasma Physics
権利No Copyright
