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タイトルTransient Torque Technique for Viscosity and Electrical Conductivity Determination of Semiconducting Liquids
著者(英)Scripa, R. N.; Curreri, Peter A.; Lin, B.; Zhu, S.; Ban, H.; Feth, S.; Lehoczky, S. L.; Li, C.; Su, C.-H.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述A novel apparatus based on transient torque technique is constructed in MSFC/NASA. The apparatus uses a 125um diameter quartz fiber as torsion wire. A high sensitive angular detector is implemented to measure the deflection angle of the crucible containing the liquid. A rotating magnetic field (RMF) is used to induce a rotating flow of a conducting or semiconducting melts. By measuring the magnitude and transient behavior of the induced deflection angle, the electrical conductivity and viscosity of the melt can be measured simultaneously. High purity elements namely Hg, Ga, Zn and Te are tested at room temperature and high temperature up to 900 C.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
権利No Copyright
