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タイトルA Comparison of Automatic Parallelization Tools/Compilers on the SGI Origin 2000 Using the NAS Benchmarks
著者(英)Hribar, Michelle; Saini, Subhash; Waheed, Abdul; Jin, Hao-Qiang; Yan, Jerry; Frumkin, Michael
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center; MRJ Technology Solutions, Inc.
内容記述Porting applications to new high performance parallel and distributed computing platforms is a challenging task. Since writing parallel code by hand is extremely time consuming and costly, porting codes would ideally be automated by using some parallelization tools and compilers. In this paper, we compare the performance of the hand written NAB Parallel Benchmarks against three parallel versions generated with the help of tools and compilers: 1) CAPTools: an interactive computer aided parallelization too] that generates message passing code, 2) the Portland Group's HPF compiler and 3) using compiler directives with the native FORTAN77 compiler on the SGI Origin2000.
NASA分類Computer Systems
権利No Copyright
