JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCellular and Network Mechanisms Underlying Information Processing in a Simple Sensory System
著者(英)Jacobs, Gwen; Henze, Chris; Biegel, Bryan
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Realistic, biophysically-based compartmental models were constructed of several primary sensory interneurons in the cricket cercal sensory system. A dynamic atlas of the afferent input to these cells was used to set spatio-temporal parameters for the simulated stimulus-dependent synaptic inputs. We examined the roles of dendritic morphology, passive membrane properties, and active conductances on the frequency tuning of the neurons. The sensitivity of narrow-band low pass interneurons could be explained entirely by the electronic structure of the dendritic arbors and the dynamic sensitivity of the SIZ. The dynamic characteristics of interneurons with higher frequency sensitivity required models with voltage-dependent dendritic conductances.
NASA分類Life Sciences (General)
権利No Copyright
