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タイトルThe Development of a 30-125 Micron Array for Airborne Astronomy
著者(英)Prasad, A.; Witteborn, F. C.; Farhoomand, J.; Dotson, J. L.; Erickson, E. F.; Mason, C. G.; Koerber, C. T.; DeVincenzi, Donald; Sisson, D.; Haas, M. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The development of a 30-125 micron Ge:Sb photoconductor array for AIRES (Airborne Infra-Red Echelle Spectrometer) is described. The prototype array is a 2x24 module which can be close-stacked to provide larger two-dimensional formats. Light is focused onto each detector using a collecting cone with a 2 mm pitch. The array is read out by two Raytheon SBRC-190 cryogenic multiplexers that also provide a CTIA (capacitive transimpedance amplifier) unit cell for each detector. We discuss our results from a test series conducted to measure the array performance and to evaluate its suitability for airborne astronomy.
NASA分類Computer Operations and Hardware
権利No Copyright
