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タイトルThe Relationship of Subvisible Cirrus Clouds Observed During NASA's Tropical Ozone
著者(英)Jensen, E.; Gary, B.; Schoeberl, M.; Toon, O. B.; Selkirk, H.; Browell, E.; Pfister, L.; Chan, K. Roland
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Thin, subvisible cirrus (SVC) clouds at the tropical tropopause have been observed by a number of methods in a variety of observational programs, including in situ sampling and aircraft and space-based lidar. Modeling studies suggest that these clouds play an important role in dehydrating tropospheric air as it enters the stratosphere. This is because particles large enough to have significant fall speeds can form under the conditions of slow cooling that are implied by the large horizontal extent of the SVC sheets. The IRA radiation that these clouds absorb, and the upward vertical motion this implies, also make them candidates for a tropical troposphere-to-stratosphere mass transfer mechanism. These sheets were observed on five flights during the Tropical Ozone Transport Experiment (TOTE) by the NASA Langley DIAL lidar aboard NASA's DC-8 research aircraft, operating during December 1995 and February 1996 south of Hawaii (12 S to 21 N). This experiment provided a unique look at these clouds since temperature profiles were available for all the SVC observations. Thus, the observed distributions of SVC's can be compared with the position of the tropopause to establish whether the SVC's are tropospheric or stratospheric. It also allows comparison of TOTE observations with in situ experiments, where water and cloud particle data is available as a function of temperature and potential temperature.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
