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タイトルBridgman Growth of Detached GeSi Crystals
著者(英)Schweizer, M.; Curreri, Peter A.; Kaiser, N.; Cobb, S. D.; Vujisic, L.; Volz, M. P.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Ge(1-x)Si(x)(0 less than x less than 0.12) has been grown by the vertical Bridgman technique using adjustments in the applied temperature profile to control the pressure difference between the bottom and top of the melt. Using this technique, a pressure difference is created by decreasing the temperature in the gas volume above the melt while the sample is molten but prior to growth. A maximum pressure difference approximately equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the molten sample can thus be obtained. Several GeSi crystals were grown in pyrolitic boron nitride ampoules. When a pressure difference was applied, samples were reproducibly grown mostly detached. For comparison, samples were also grown in a configuration in which gas could flow freely between the gap below the melt and the volume above the melt and no pressure difference could be established. These samples were initially attached. Existence of detachment was determined both by measuring the surface roughness of the samples with a profilometer and by observations of the sample surfaces with optical and electron microscopy.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
権利No Copyright
